Course Schedule & Booking System

Please only book onto one training event per booking. If you wish to attend multiple sessions, please book these separately to aid our administration. Thank you.

Important Information (T&Cs)

It is a prior requirement for all applications (except Induction Training) that the relevant Growing Roots learning has been undertaken before booking on a course. The cost of attending modules is free to persons within Nottinghamshire, however a non attendance fee of £10.00 will be requested if the non attendance had not been previously notified. For on-line bookings the CLOSING DATE of each Training Event listed is 8 (eight) days prior to the first date of training or as listed. Further information can be obtained by contacting Mike Cooley, Volunteering Development Administrator [email protected]

Booking System User Guide
  1. Browse to the event required and click it.
  2. Select “View Details” to make sure the selected event is the one required.
  3. Click “Select” followed by “View Selections”.
  4. Click “Book Now”.
  5. Complete the presented booking form, when satisfied all is correct click “Continue”.
  6. This will reserve the booking – a confirmation email will then be received.
  7. An additional email will be sent, by the Volunteering Development Administrator, if your application is acceptable (or not), with details of what to do next.

Course full? Or don’t see the one you want? Click below to register your interest.